Synonyms for seize

Found 5 synonyms

grab (verb)


capture, grasp, catch, snatch, catch up.
confiscate (verb)


commandeer, impound.
take over (verb)


usurp, apprehend, conquer, get, pick up, take, possess, use, be enough.
clutch (noun)


snag, grapple.
seize up (verb)

More seize synonyms

grab hold, hijack, repossess, expropriate, engross, invade, recapture, miss, lack, detain, seizing, seizure, grip, arrest, take possession, proficient, pick, fetch, acquire, retrieve, select, obsess, master, wield, grasping, engulf, envelop, encompass, overwhelm, clasp, embrace, possessed, withdrawn, reach, cling, claw, collect, occupy, borrow, deprive, latch, interception, intercept, arresting, taking,
Synonyms "seize" in the picture
Synonyms seize