Synonyms for increase substantially

Found 12 synonyms

№ 1
increase substantially
№ 2
grow significantly
№ 3
rise significantly
№ 4
grow considerably
№ 5
increase considerably
№ 6
increase significantly
№ 7
substantially increase
№ 8
significantly increase
№ 9
considerably increase
№ 10
greatly increase
№ 11
dramatically increase
№ 12
substantial increase
№ 13
significant increase
increase substantially

Synonyms for increase

rise (grow, go up, multiply >>)
boost (gain, augment, accelerate >>)
growth (expansion, increment, augmentation >>)
expand (enlarge, extend, prolong >>)

See all synonyms for increase

Synonyms for substantially

considerably (significantly, greatly, appreciably >>)
largely (mainly, mostly, predominantly >>)
basically (essentially, fundamentally, inherently >>)

See all synonyms for substantially
Synonyms "increase substantially" in the picture
Synonyms increase substantially

Synonyms with "increase"