Synonyms for create

Found 5 synonyms

generate (verb)


produce, engender, beget.
make (verb)


do, cause, bring, bring about, pose, constitute.
build (verb)


construct, build up.
invent (verb)


establish, develop, set up.
spawn (noun)

More create synonyms

instantiate, conjure, creation, giving birth, creating, devise, work out, reinvent, invented, invent something, elaborated, contrive, concoct, come up, formulate, by building, recreate, reproduce, reconstruct, rebuild, draw, formation, shaping, forming, write, compose, designing, form, shape, emergence, generation, breed, start, think, erect, bring forth, originate, emerge, elaborate, educate,
Synonyms "create" in the picture
Synonyms create

Synonyms with "create"